Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Popular Optical Character Recognition Programs

UPDATE: Nuance has released there latest version of OmniPage 16 OCR Software. OmniPage 16 is considered the world's leading OCR software solution. Check out my OmniPage 16 review.

In my last entry, I explained how to edit a scanned document. To refresh your memory on how to edit a scanned document, there is no way to edit a scanned document without the use of software that has Optical Character Recognition capabilities. With these OCR capabilties, software can transform text from a scanned document or image into an editable text document.

I did some searching and the common OCR software solutions for editting a scanned document are:
Most of these software solutions for editting a scanned document are a bit pricey. You are looking at a couple hundred dollars. The cheapest solution seems to be Readiris Pro Home Edition (approx. $130) from irislink.com.

I hope this has given you some insight on how to edit a scanned document. Best of luck to you!

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